Tuesday, May 3, 2011

abandoned LA zoo revisited

 my youngest daughter and i finally got the opportunity to go back to the old abandoned LA zoo on saturday. it was a beautiful warm sunny day, we meandering through the old cages, graffiti filled tunnels, and hiked the trails around it, taking lots of photos along the way!
unfortunately when we got back to my car the window had been smashed in and my purse stolen, as well as the car next to me. the rangers told us there was a gang in the area watching cars and stealing, in seconds valuables they saw people hiding under their seats. so there went the rest of our nicely planned day of photo shooting as it took hours to take care of everything. luckily i took my drivers license and credit cards with me and i had no cash in my wallet so they got very little from me...but i learned a very valuable lesson...never take my purse if i'm not going to carry it!!

1 comment:

Katherine Kean said...

Wow, I'm so sorry to hear that happened. Although they didn't get valuables (clever you - taking those with you), getting the window repaired is probably a pain, not to mention the feeling.

Love the fifth photo down!


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