Hi Everyone,
In a wayyyy earlier post this fall I told you how my addiction to ATC's started, with a class I took with Bernie Berlin. Well, Bernie also runs A Place To Bark...a non-profit animal shelter and adoption center. It looks like they just finished a building to shelter all the wonderful animals waiting for adoption, but they are still in need of funds. Animals are extremely dear to me, as you know and I always want to help out when I can...if everyone just gives a little they can raise the money they need. Please take a moment to read what Bernie wrote about this new building:
America's Giving Challenge, The Zoline Foundation & private donations gave us the wings to fly this year & expand our rescue efforts.
We were able to begin building our shelter this year 2008.
The building is built but we are still in need of about 15k to 25k to fully finish the grounds.
Most needed now, is a heating/cooling unit so we can begin working on finishing the inside. Baby steps towards the future, we'll do the best we can with what we have!!
"A Place To Bark" sits on 20 acres, dedicated to saving animals in need.
The euthanasia rate here at our local animal controls is 98%.
We have 4000 sq ft of outdoor kenneling. The indoor building is much needed to shelter these dogs in the winter, so they are not all in my house:)
We have a very successful adoption program with humane societies in other parts of the country. This year "2008" we have rescued 502 dogs & cats.
Location: Outside of Nashville Tennessee
Any amount you can give will be greatly appreciated! Thank you sooooo much!!