I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has had to overcome while trying to succeed.
Booker T Washington
Booker T Washington
i don't know about you, but let me tell you, i have been soooooo busy these past few weeks! and the time is flying by! i only got to go on one photohike but because i took some of the advice in the digital photography book by scott kelby my photos came out so much sharper! i was already working on background, lighting and adjusting my camera settings, so i think the synergy of all these elements is helping me achieve greater results with my photos.
i also started a super class at the community college on how to create a successful business plan. it's been very informative so far and it's nice not to try to achieve this huge undertaking alone. after that i am signed up for two accounting classes in may and june. and beginning may 30th i'm starting kelly rae's brand spankin' new e-course called flying lessons: tips and tricks to help your creative business soar. wow...it's a lot, i admit it! and on top of everything else going on in my life. but i am so totally serious about making my art a successful business now that i am pushing myself hard. but...i am feeling so empowered by it and for whatever reason i can feel it in my gut that this time around it's gonna work out for me! i mean it!! really!!