What art offers is space - a certain breathing room for the spirit.
~John Updike~
there was a ginormous convention hall full of spirit and soul at the LA Art Show this past weekend! so inspiring and fun to see such excellence in one place!! i tell you i was swooning!! these are a few of my very favorite artists displaying there:
Julio Reyes(my very favorite of course...awesome graphite drawings!!)
Seung Hoon Park's woven photographs
Cameron Gray very cool block paintings
Tong Hongsheng's impressive painting at the China pavillion
and these crazy sculptures that i just love but didn't catch the name as they were closing and i was hurrying, trying to get in last peeks of all the art.
the rest of the weekend i was able to get in some good drawing time. working hard on my deukmejian drawing and started a new drawing...a sky landscape from Kenya. i need to get 5-6 drawings done by mid to late march as i have 3 very important shows i am entering. so i am very focused and excited (like triple-shot expresso excited!!)...working hard to get them all done in time!!