okay, here's my thoughts on actions to take during slow times.
#1...get creative!!! this is a super time to expand and try something new... i've been creating some small collages and i upgraded my editing system, so i've been playing with that a lot lately. branching out, expressing myself, stretching my imagination were some of my goals for 2011...and i'm doing it!
#2...build your community. this is a great time to find other like minded people who support your dreams. i've created an awesome community on facebook, and here on my blog of absolutely incredible friends, well-wisher and cheerleaders!!
#3...get out into the community, start finding friends and supporters outside of the on-line world. I joined a group called PAL, pasadena animal league where we hold an art auction event every other year to raise much needed funds for the humane society.
#4...find new avenues and streams of income. i'm working on creating an e-course right now, plus sending out dvd's of my art to coffee shops, restaurants, etc. and looking for places to teach art. be inventive...leave business cards every where...place a small ad in your local school newsletter...even AYSO has ads from time to time.
#5...clean. clean out closets, your studio, deep clean your home...you can't believe how good it feels to lighten up and have things fresh. a positive side-effect is that once you free your physical space from the clutter you also free your mind! it's like you're consciously making room for something more or new to come into your life!
what are some things you do during slow times?