"Your life is a reflection of what you believe you are worth." Alan Cohen
I just saw that quote this morning and thought it so appropriate for me. For the past few days(even weeks, maybe)as situations arise, I've been giving worth a lot of thought.
I just lowered the prices on some of my artwork lately and sometimes guilt arises when people write me and ask what my prices are for commissions and I see other artists on Etsy having sales on their work....how do you put a price on your worth? We are all spiritual beings deserving of everything we want in life...so why is it such an issue with us? How do you stop undervaluing yourself & your work?
Is it just standing up and confidently saying, this is what it is worth and with unwavering trust, know that with our attraction based universe the right people will be more than willing to pay the asking price.
Maybe to gain self-confidence I have to start believing in myself and what I'm creating. Believing that I can succeed in anything that I put my mind to. I think I'll start by making a list of what I can do, have and become once I acquire the confidence & worth I desire. I think I can become that confident person, knowing my worth. A lot of it is just attitude...and just choosing to be confident & worthy.