Wednesday, November 27, 2013

shift your shopping!

please support, promote and buy from local and independently owned businesses during the holidays!
**A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the California Wildlife Center.**
**a portion of the proceeds will be donated to Happy Strays cat Rescue**
**a portion of the proceeds will be donated to Pasadena Humane Society**

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A drawing is simply a line going for a walk.

~Paul Klee~

here's all my walking lines in various stages of progress

beaucoup, a very furry, sweet face pooch!
a beautiful feral kitty that looks like a ragdoll or snowshoe cat
and a pelican who posed so regally for me at the beach...while all his friends scattered!

Monday, November 18, 2013

"I've always been mad about cats."

~Vivien Leigh~

Sammy  Kathryn Hansen (c) 2013  8x10
up next on the drawing board are two 8x10 commissions, Beaucoup, a sweet old dog and "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named"...because he's a gift for Christmas. but i CAN tell you that it's a very adorable kitty!
and Pete the Pelican has made it's way back to the board as i soo want to enter him in an art exhibit in January, but the application is due early December. if you remember there's a surprise element to Pete that i'm super excited to get to! 
ohhh...if there were only more hours in a day!!

Monday, November 11, 2013

geesh...what a weekend!!

this weekend was one for the records...many emotional and physical ups and downs as saturday started off with a bout of food poisoning from a trader joe's vegwrap, which by the afternoon had me in bed. 
this weekend also had my youngest daughter off on a church retreat, so i was in charge of gettinour foster kittens to Happy Strays to be adopted that morning...which could be a long post in itself! needless to say, their separate adoptions fell thru, which is a sign that they were meant to be together! but they are still up for adoption at Petco, which despite not feeling well, i spent a good deal of time at as it was hard to see them cooped up in the brand new, but very small "cattery" there. of course i cried...a i missed them terribly and knew they were not happy with all that transpired that day. but if this helps them get a good home, it's something all three of us have to endure for a while! this, as i have said many times is the hardest part of fostering for me as i attach (especially to these two) in a nano-second. 

the ups of the weekend were:

that i did get close to finishing up my commission of sammy, which i wasn't expecting! 
and i did received another commission from a former client when i first started creating pet portraits! but i can't say anything more about it, as it's a christmas present!
and i found out that The King and Queen B were accepted into an art exhibit in december at a wonderful gallery
and my daughter made her first goal of the season at a late afternoon game on sunday! (they won 5-2!)
and shortie brought me a furry gift in the middle of the night! which only took me half an hour to retrieve from my room and return to the great outdoors...a new time it took me over a day to find the rat (poor thing) he brought me. 
and my sammy brought me a lizard, which he kindly placed in the bathtub for easy removal!

despite all the good things that happened, i hope never to repeat this kind of weekend again!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

on and off the drawing board!

Queen B   Kathryn Hansen (c) 2013   8x8
i don't know why but i keep futzing and futzing with queen b's portrait just like i did with the king, but i think that i finally got it to my satisfaction...maybe! this quote by leonardo da vinci, always comes to mind when i linger over a drawing: "art is never finished, only abandoned." cuz that's exactly how i feel! i know 99.9% of people wouldn't be able to pick out the changes i keep making, but to me, if i don't refine it my eye will go right to those spots every time, so i labor over certain drawings until i feel that it's good enough! crazy making, i know!!

and now that queen b is complete, up next is sammy, moo's brother in crime!

and i think it's safe now to share the commission i could not show you for weeks and weeks! 
House in Woods by Kathryn Hansen (c) 2013


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