Monday, June 29, 2009


Forging ahead on my commission

I am loving the e-course by Marisa at Creative Thursday because it's giving me a lot to think about. This past week she talked a lot about being authentic on your blog, which I feel I have achieved, so what really stood out to me was her asking us what we were committed to. As I feel that I am a bit all over the place with my art, I had to just sit and meditate on what part of my art it is that I am just totally jazzed about and what part I am not totally on board with. I felt pretty good all day Saturday about my decisions on what direction to take, but Sunday I kinda lost my enthusiasm and was waning, wondering if I should just throw in the towel as I have a lot of responsibilities at home and maybe just go back into accounting and make some good money again (yes, for a while I did fulfill my father's dream for me to be in accounting!) Then at my daughters soccer game, at the beginning of the second half (the other team was down by 3 points) a young girl out of no where, out of shear determination took the ball all the way down the field and scored for her team. That little "teacher" sent me a huge message about not giving up, even when the odds were against them to win. Our team ended up winning the game that hot Sunday morning but that little girl from the other team inspired me beyond words! Who are your unexpected teachers?


Liason said...

lovely post; there's so much to learn when we are open to it! my neighbor has two little girls that have taught me so much about energy, patience, and curiosity. :)

Anonymous said...

love this story Kathryn ~ & goodness, your work is FANTASTIC. I'm so happy to know you are loving class...and sticking to your prices, as you should!!

willotoons said...

Wow, that looks like my kitty! And I'm always so daunted by trying to draw him, as the stripes on a maine coon are so intricate... you've done an amazing job! :)


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